
3-D Matrix is a medical technology company listed in JASDAQ with headquarter in Tokyo. We develop, manufacture and supply innovative medical devices and other medical products with world wide exclusive "self-assembling peptide" technology, which is originated from MIT. We have expanded our business quickly with subsidiaries, branches and sales network in all major markets of the world. 3-D Matrix China, as a wholly owned subsidiary of 3-D Matrix, was founded in 2014, in charge of business development and cooperation management of all products in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan market. We partner with local research institutes, manufacturers and distributors to leverage their experiences and local advantage to accelerate the market access speed and improve product competitiveness. The major work of 3-D Matrix China is to keep in-depth understanding of local market, develop, build and keep good partnership with well-selected partners, manage product registration and sales channels in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

公司地址:朝阳区东三环北路甲19号嘉盛中心10层A055 (邮编:100020)
*发布本招聘广告企业的营业执照名称: 北京立美基投资咨询有限公司
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